Wednesday, 22 May 2013


If you have anything you want us to know or secrets you want to tell, send it to us with the subject title "Open Letter." This website is a place for you also. Thank you Jennifer.

// F I N D Y O U R S E L F //

Monday, 20 May 2013


-Hey guys, first and foremost your new single Oh... Lucifer is coming out soon. That must be exciting! What has the response to this upcoming single release been like in comparison to others? Do you feel like people are more excited about it?

Well it has been fantastic to get a very positive response from those that have heard it, yes. I think people realise a progression from Falling and We Will Wake in this new song, they can tell that our sound has grown. 

// U N C E R T A I N T Y //

Monday, 13 May 2013


So girls, can you explain to us how Say Lou Lou came into existence? Had you always dreamed of releasing music or did it happen kind of out of the blue?

Say Lou Lou started the day we were born… Haha! No, but we have always been around music; our parents and all of our uncles work with music and theater so it's something that's been in our lives always. However pursuing it professionally was never really the plan, it sort of just happened after fooling around in the studio last year. It sort of chose us in the end. 

// F U C K C A L M N E S S //